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A '''frequent flyer''' is a patient who visits the health care system so often that he or she has earned status in a rewards program, which leads to such benefits as expedited discharge. Some may comment that the term '''frequent flyer''' carries a negative connotation. Duh! '''Frequent flyers''' are often associated with malingering or drug seeking.<ref>[http://gomerblog.com/2016/04/breaking-news-ah-crap-you-know-whos-back-in-the-er/ Breaking News: Ah Crap, You-Know-Who is Back in the ER (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[http://gomerblog.com/2015/06/frequent-fliers/ “Rewards” Program for Frequent Flyers Includes Unlimited, Complimentary Discharges (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[http://gomerblog.com/2016/04/go-green/ Local Hospital Goes Green, Begins Tattooing ID Bracelets on Frequent Flyers to Limit Paper Waste (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[http://gomerblog.com/2016/09/frequent-flyer-helps-orient-new-intern/ Hospital Frequent Flyer Helps Orient New Intern (Gomerblog)]</ref> Patients who frequently seek medical care who aren't malingering or drug seeking go by the term [[Gomer|gomer/or gomere]]. '''From ''Scrubs'' Season 1 Episode 14 "My Drug Buddy"'''----DR. COX (''to [[Bounce Back|bounce back patient]] Mr. Barnes''): It's good to see you again, Mr. Barnes; we'll be with you in a moment. NURSE ROBERTS (''to an orderly''): Put him in Bed 6. (''Mr. Barnes is wheeled away.'') DR. COX (''to Nurse Roberts''): Tell me, Laverne, are you in fact part golden retriever? NURSE ROBERTS (''to herself''): Keep it holy, now. DR. COX: I only ask because, every time I toss this guy, you bring him right back to me.
'''Related Reading'''
* [[Can you post a picture of a cute puppy to cheer me up?]]
* [[FAA]]
* [[Federal Aviation Administration]]
* [[Muscle Car]]
* [[Philadelphia Flyers]]
* [[Plavix (Clopidogrel)]]
* [[Terminal Illness]]
* [[UberGURNEY]]