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'''''At Folsom Hospital''''' is the album that revived Johnny Cash's career. No live hospital album will ever top this. And reason for that is the amazing fact that not a single [[Pager|pager]], [[Call Light|call light]], or [[Telemetry (Album)|tele monitor]] made a peep.
'''Track Listing'''
#[[Baby Blues|Folsom Prison Blues ]] (2:42)#[http://gomerblog.com/2017/04/ethics-team/ Busted ] (1:24)#[http://gomerblog.com/2017/05/medieval-dungeon/ Dark as the Dungeon ] (3:04)#[http://gomerblog.com/2016/08/intern-asking-just-one-hug/ I Still Miss Someone ] (1:37)#[http://gomerblog.com/2015/11/la-leche-league/ Cocaine Blues ] (3:01)#[[On Call|25 Minutes to Go ]] (3:31)#[[Orange is the New Black Plague|Orange Blossom Special ]] (3:00)#The Long [[Black Veil Fleece]] (3:57)#[[Mother's Day|Send a Picture of Mother ]] (2:10)#The [[Wall ]] (1:36)#[http://gomerblog.com/2017/07/intern-spayed-neutered/ Dirty Old Egg Sucking Dog ] (1:30)#[[Royal Flush|Flushed ]] from the [[Bathroom ]] of Your [[Heart ]] (2:17)
#[[John Doe]] (2:25)
#[[Jackson Pollock|Jackson]] (3:12)#Give My Love to [[Rose Room]] (2:40)#I Got [[Herpes|Shingles ]] (1:57)
#[[Reflex Hammer|The Legend of John Henry's Reflex Hammer]] (7:08)
#[[Seaweed|Green, Grass of Weed ]] (2:29)#[[Is there a church or chapel within this hospital?|Greystone Chapel ]] (6:02)