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Chipotle Mexican Grill

284 bytes added, 14:36, 16 July 2017
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'''Future Direction'''
Given the rip-roaring success and diarrhea that characterized 2016, '''Chipotle''' hopes to expand their success by introducing [[C. diff]] and [[MRSA]] to the menuamong other things.<ref>[ Staying True to Their Identity, Chipotle Launches New Foodborne-Illness Menu (Gomerblog)]</ref>
'''Related Reading'''
- * [[Antibiotic Stewardship]]* [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]] - * [[Colonoscopy]] - * [[Contact Precautions]]* [[CrossSh*t]]- * [[Gown]]* [[Handwashing]]* [[Sh*tbit]]* [[Sh*ts and Giggles]]- * [[HandwashingTastes Like Sh*t]]

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