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Pupillary Exam

201 bytes added, 09:09, 5 December 2017
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From GomerBlog's masterpiece ''Physical Exam Tips[[File: The Eye''<ref>[ Physical Exam Tips: The Eyejpg|450px|thumb|right]]</ref>:
From GomerBlog's masterpiece ''Physical Exam Tips: The Eye''<ref>[ Physical Exam Tips: The Eye (Gomerblog)]</ref>:
''Observe the pupils: size? shape? symmetry? sexy? Anisocoria means something, as does miosis and mydriasis. Say the words “Argyll Robertson” out loud and see if the pupils react. Turn off the lights, bring out the candles, put on some Miles Davis, and shine your favorite penlight app into each pupil since regular [[Penlight|penlights]] really, really suck. Note the direct reaction, consensual reaction, sensual reaction, and sexual reaction.''
'''Related Gomerpedia Reading'''
* [[Blown Pupil]]
* [[Eye Candy]]
* [[Eye Rake]]
* [[Eye-Rolling]]
* [[My Mind's Eye]]
* [[Ping Pong Balls]]

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