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Antibiotic Stewardship

418 bytes added, 11:28, 6 July 2017
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'''Antibiotic stewardship''' is a coordinated program that promotes the continued use [[Vancomycin|vancomycin]] and [[Zosyn (Piperacillin-Tazobactam)|Zosyn]] for indefinite periods of time. According to the [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]], there are several core elements of an '''antibiotic stewardship program''':
#Leadership Commitment: allocating Allocating the appropriate funding for more vancomycin & Zosyn#Accountability: having Having a single leader champion the persistent use of vancomycin & Zosyn#Drug Expertise: having Having a single pharmacist leader who just ''loves'' vancomycin & Zosyn
#Action: Implementing order sets that recommend vancomycin & Zosyn without a stop date
#Tracking: eliminating Eliminating any monitoring of antibiotic resistance patterns#Reporting: reporting Reporting on health care professionals who need to use more broad-spectrum antibiotics<ref>[ Night Float Intern Boldly Chooses Non-Vanc/Zosyn Empiric Antibiotic Regimen (Gomerblog)]</ref>#Education: making Making sure clinicians know that they can use vancomycin & Zosyn whenever they want, without repercussions<ref>[ Recipe: GomerBlog’s Chicken Noodle Soup with Vancomycin & Zosyn (Gomerblog)]</ref>
- [[C. diff]]
- [[Cellulitis]]
- [[MRSA]]
- [[Infectious Diseases Society of America]]
- [[Urinary Tract Infection]]
- [[Vancomycin]]
- [[Zosyn (Piperacillin-Tazobactam)]]
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[[Category:Phrases & Expressions]]
[[Category:Infectious Diseases]]

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