ECOG Score

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The ECOG (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group) score is a scoring system to determine performance status and determine which patients with cancer are candidates for postmortem chemotherapy.[1]

0 - Asymptomatic (not a candidate for postmortem chemotherapy)

1 - Symptomatic but completely ambulatory (not a candidate for postmortem chemotherapy)

2 - Symptomatic with < 50% in bed during the day (not a candidate for postmortem chemotherapy)

3 - Symptomatic with > 50% in bed during the day (not a candidate for postmortem chemotherapy)

4 - Bedbound (not a candidate for postmortem chemotherapy)

5 - Death (candidate for postmortem chemotherapy)


  1. FDA Approves Groundbreaking Postmortem Chemotherapy Protocol

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