American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

Revision as of 16:12, 21 February 2017 by Dr. 99 (talk | contribs)$7

"Bones. We Like Bones."

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (or AAOS) is a professional organization founded in 1933 for the medical education of orthopods. Continuing medical education activities focus on fixing, counting, throwing, juggling, or burying bones.[1][2][3][4][5] Ripping phone books in half is also a favorite pastime.[6]

Mission Statement

To consult the Society of Hospital Medicine for medical management, to use Ancef liberally[7], to explain diastolic heart failure really good.[8], and to write notes without words.[9][10]

A Note to Non-Orthopods

Please be kind and help your fellow orthopod next time you spot them stuck in a hot van or in a snowbank.[11][12] Do not confuse them with arthropods.[13] If you see an orthopod that is SOB, that is by definition orthopnea. And don't forget to say thank you by buying them some pina coladas.[14]


  1. Bones: An Orthopedic Surgeon’s Perspective
  2. Orthopod Caught Listening to Femur with Stethoscope
  3. Ortho Stabilizes Stethoscope with External Fixator
  4. Orthopod Uses Patient’s Femurs to Play the Drums
  5. Ortho Consulted to Repair Broken Wishbone
  6. Orthopedic Applicant Tears Phonebook in Half to Seal Interview
  7. Orthopod Caught Auscultating Ancef Pump
  8. An Orthopedic Surgeon Explains: Diastolic Heart Failure
  9. Ortho Writes Perfect SOAP Note, First No-Worder This Year
  10. Orthopaedics to Begin to Use Emojis in Progress Notes
  11. Unattended Orthopedic Surgeon Left in Hot Van
  12. Oh No! Orthopedic Surgeon Got Plowed into a Snowbank
  13. The Difference Between Arthropods & Orthopods
  14. Ortho Likes Pina Coladas, Getting Caught in the Rain

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