

284 bytes added, 09:40, 17 July 2017
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[[File:Rogier van der Weyden - Deposition (detail) - WGA25578.jpg|450px400px|thumb|right|''Rogier van der Weyden's "The Admission" (1435)'']] ''"She'll probably cry."'' ''"Nothing better for the nervous system. It does something, I forget what, to the glands."'' ''- Excerpt from Chapter 3 of P.G. Wodehouse's "Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves" (1962)'' 
'''Crying''' is considered one of the time-honored pastimes in medicine. It is quite possible that '''crying''' in medicine refers to tears in joy. The occasions are few and far between: medical school graduation and surviving a [[Black Cloud|black cloud]] call night. More often than not, however, '''crying''' refers to sorrow, sadness, and pain, hallmarks of the health care professional's experience.
'''Related Reading'''
- * [[Anger Management]]* [[Can you post a picture of a cute puppy to cheer me up?]]- * [[Cloud Watching]]* [[Emergency Brake]]- * [[The House of God]] - * [[July Intern]] - * [[Morale]] - * [[Match Day]] - * [[To Pimp a Med Student (Album)]] - * [[That's why we make jokes]]