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Treatment is largely supportive in the form of excess toilet paper.<ref>[ Study: ‘Brilliant Butthole Sign’ Diagnostic of TP Hoarding (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Breaking: COVID-19 Found in Toilet Paper I(Gomerblog)]</ref> There are currently no known treatments for '''COVID-19'''. Interventions such as prayer, screaming "WHY GOD WHY?!" and remdesivir are currently ongoing. A study involving Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) produced disappointing results, as did the ones that looked at [[Sodium Bicarbonate|sodium bicarb]] and [[Precordial Thump|precordial thumps]]. There was controversy when French health minister, Olivier Véran, warned that [[NSAIDs]] should be avoided In patients with confirmed '''COVID-19'''. This recommendation has not been adopted in the United States due to large opposition on behalf of military health care professionals who state that eliminating [[NSAIDs]] essentially eliminates all that a military health care professional can offer.