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Renal Failure

466 bytes added, 15:48, 22 October 2017
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'''More ReadingExample'''
- [[American Society of Nephrology]]''Medicine Resident'': Did you consult Renal?
- [[Foley Catheter]] ''Medicine Intern'': Yeah.
- [[Grace & Chase Tackle Acid-Base]]''Medicine Resident'': Awesome. What did they say?
- [[Spin ''Medicine Intern'': Not much actually. Just to monitor the Pee]]creatinine.
''Medicine Resident'': Wow. Major '''Renal failure'''.  '''More Reading'''- ---* [[American Society of Nephrology]]* [[Foley Catheter]] * [[Glomerular Filtration Rate]]* [[Glomerulus]]* [[Grace & Chase Tackle Acid-Base]]* [[Infrarenal]]* [[Minimal Change Disease]]* [[Morning Bun]]* [[Renal Dosing]]* [[Renal Tubular Acidosis]]* [[Spin the Pee]]* [[Urinary Tract Infection]]* [[What is an anion gap?]]
[[Category:Internal Medicine]]

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