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Pet Sounds (Album)

429 bytes added, 08:11, 10 March 2017
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[[File:Beach Boys Walk of FamePet Sounds Album Cover.pngjpg|300px500px|thumb|right]]
Don't be misled by the cover with all the animals: this album was named after the cardiac PET. The Beach Boys' '''''Heart Pet Sounds''''' is considered one of the greatest albums of all time about cardiac imaging.  '''Review'''----Dr. 99: This album birthed the field of [[The Book American College of MurmursCardiology|murmurscardiology]], rubs, and gallopsas we know it. Best known tracks are "  '''Track Listing'''----#Wouldn't It Be Nice if I Didn(to Have a Negative Scan)#You Still Believe in [[4 METs]]#That't Have to Chart Today," "s Not Me (or My Medical Record Number)#Don't Talk (Put This Tube Your Head in Your Throatthe Scanner)#I'm Waiting for the Results#Let's Go NPO for Awhile#Sloop John B," and "CEO Cardiology#God Only Knows."My EF#I Know There's an Aneurysm#Here Today (On Call)#I Just Wasn't Made for These Tests#Pet Sounds#Caroline, [[NPO]]#Unreleased Background Information#Hang on to Your [[Amazon Echo|Echo]] Results#[[Troponin]] Dixie
- [[American Kindergarten of Cardiology]]
Dr. 99: This album birthed the field of [[American College of Cardiology|cardiology]] as we know it.
[[Category:Medical Music]]

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