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486 bytes added, 00:24, 13 July 2017
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[[File:Iphiclides podalirius.jpg|400px|thumb|right]] '''KevinDO ''' is an Osteopathic Doctor osteopathic doctor who is board certified in Internal Medicine. He has a little well known blog called "Butterflies and Angels." It has nothing to do with medicine and mainly chronicles his hobby of collecting butterflies, which he interchangeably calls angels. He has written for [[KevinMD]] about butterfly catching [[Burnout|burnout]].<ref>[ KevinMD Burned Out Churning Out Burnout Articles (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Nervous Patient’s KUB Shows Butterflies in Her Stomach (Gomerblog)]</ref>  '''Related Topics'''----- [[Butterflies in the Stomach]] - [[FISH]] - [[Genital Warthogs]] - [[Unicorn]] - [[Zebra]]  '''References'''----<references />
[[Category:Medical Celebrity]]

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