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291 bytes added, 08:24, 20 July 2017
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[[File:Bilirubin.svg|400px|thumb|right|''Johnny drew this for Bili this morning'']]
'''Johnnirubin''' is Bilirubin's younger brother. Johnni is a little shy. That's why we don't know about him. Johnnirubin never wants to be checked on. He's not part of the liver panel. Not like [[Bilirubin|Bili]] though, who likes being checked every morning.
'''Related Topics'''
* [[Abdominal Pain]]
* [[Angie O'Edema]]
* [[Beer Belly]]
* [[Caput Medusae]]
* [[General Surgery]]
* [[Liver Pain]]
* [[Pam T. Schmidt]]
[[Category:Medical Tests & Procedures]]

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