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Prank Page

78 bytes added, 18:41, 11 July 2017
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[[File:Samsung Pager.jpeg|500px|thumb|right|''"Remember that time we prank paged you on that pager and it set you on fire?! Hilarious!"'']]
Similar to [[Puppet Show|puppet shows]] and games of [[Peakaboo!]], a '''prank page''' is a form of comedic relief for health care professionals.<ref>[ Anesthesiologist Behind Drape Plays Peakaboo with Surgeon(Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Pages We Love to Get at Any Point During the Day(Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ 10 Exciting Real Pages to Get, Especially at 2 AM(Gomerblog)]</ref> Nothing boosts morale like briefly screwing over a colleague for a laugh!
#Paging someone that they're patient is coding
#Paging a fake consult at 4:59 PM on a Friday<ref>[ Tips: How to Suck at Calling Consults(Gomerblog)]</ref>
#Paging a medical student to see a patient with a blown [[Pupils|pupil]] then seeing how they react
#Paging a colleague that all their patients were severely injured in a freak collision of [[UberGURNEY|gurneys]]
#Giving a colleague a Samsung Pager, sending a page, and watching the [[Pager|pager]] explode!<ref>[ Samsung Galaxy Pager Explodes, Intern in Critical Condition(Gomerblog)]</ref>
- [[Pager Incontinence]]
- [[Jimmy Page]]
- [[Seven Blunders of the Medical World]]

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