Pyxis Machine

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Anatomy of a Stupid Pyxis.jpg

The Pyxis machine is a mortal enemy of nurses that requires you to wear yellow safety belts[1], though you openly want to crush it with a sledgehammer.[2]

Pyxis Shows American Pride

July 2016 was a big month for the Pyxis machine as it got to dispense American flags and other flavor for Fourth of July[3] and then step into the lead role of Hamilton on Broadway.[4]

Halloween Pyxis

The Pyxis turned into a complete monster Halloween 2016 when it swallowed a nurse whole.[5]


  1. Hospital Mandates Nurses Wear Yellow Safety Belts While Checking Out Pyxis Medications
  2. Today is National Destroy Your Pyxis with a Sledgehammer Day
  3. Special Pyxis to Dispense American Flags & Flair
  4. Pyxis Replaces Lin-Manuel Miranda in “Hamilton”
  5. Spooky: Pyxis Swallows Nurse Whole, Rescue Underway

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