Pyxis Machine

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Anatomy of a Stupid Pyxis.jpg

The Pyxis machine is a mortal enemy of nurses that requires you to wear yellow safety belts[1], though you openly want to crush it with a sledgehammer.[2] The primary objective of the Pyxis machine is to get in the way of patient care.

Pyxis Shows American Pride

July 2016 was a big month for the Pyxis machine as it got to dispense American flags and other flavor for Fourth of July[3] and then step into the lead role of Hamilton on Broadway.[4]

Halloween Pyxis

The Pyxis turned into a complete monster Halloween 2016 when it swallowed a nurse whole.[5]

Pyxis Surgeon General

On June 23, 2017, the Pyxis Surgeon General photobombed the Nurse Surgeon General Sylvia-Trent-Adams.[6] The two really don't get along.

Related Reading


  1. Jump up Hospital Mandates Nurses Wear Yellow Safety Belts While Checking Out Pyxis Medications (Gomerblog)
  2. Jump up Today is National Destroy Your Pyxis with a Sledgehammer Day (Gomerblog)
  3. Jump up Special Pyxis to Dispense American Flags & Flair (Gomerblog)
  4. Jump up Pyxis Replaces Lin-Manuel Miranda in “Hamilton” (Gomerblog)
  5. Jump up Spooky: Pyxis Swallows Nurse Whole, Rescue Underway (Gomerblog)
  6. Jump up Nurse Surgeon General Really Hates Working with Pyxis Surgeon General (Gomerblog)

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