Dr. Oz

Revision as of 13:47, 21 March 2017 by Dr. 99 (talk | contribs)$7

McCaskill Takes Aim at Diet Scams That Are 'A Crisis in Consumer Protection' 01 (cropped to Oz).jpg

F**k you, Dr. Oz! [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

Other Useless People

- Jenny McCarthy

- Joint Commission

- Martin Shkreli


  1. Dr. Oz is Right: "The Miracle Pill" is for Real
  2. Dr. Oz & Joy Behar Birth Devil Offspring, Hell is Near
  3. Stage Medical Board Disciplines Dr. Oz by Forcing Him Back to Clinical Practice
  4. Dr. Oz’s Colonoscopy Reveals That He’s FOS
  5. Study: Doc McStuffins More Evidence-Based Than Dr. Oz
  6. ICD-10 to Include Code for "Dr. Oz Says," Automatic Trigger for Level 5 Visit
  7. Mehmet Oz Stripped of Medical Degree, Now Just "Med Student Oz"
  8. Trump to Appoint Dr. Oz as Surgeon General

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