
Swamp Crotch

437 bytes added, 15:35, 16 July 2017
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[[File:Cypress knees (6845386236).jpg|400px|thumb|right]]
'''Swamp crotch''' is one of the most terrible of medical maladies in which hot, moist sweat accumulates in the nether region, pools between your legs, and creates arguably one of the worst odors in the [[Milky Way|galaxy]].
'''Prevention & Treatment'''
Surprisingly there are ways to prevent and treat '''swamp crotch''' and it doesn't involve jumping into a meat locker.<ref>[ Preventing Swamp Crotch: 10 Products “Scientifically” Tested(The Art of Manliness)]</ref><ref>[ How to Beat Swamp Crotch(Men's Health)]</ref>  '''Other Crotchety Badness'''----* [[Balls to the Wall]]* [[Foley Catheter]]* [[Lasix (Furosemide)]]* [[Nonvital Signs]]* [[Ping Pong Balls]]* [[Pinprick Test]]* [[Pregenital Thump]]* [[PubeMed]]* [[Renal Failure]]* [[Spin the Pee]]* [[Steven's Johnson]]* [[Tinkle Bell]]* [[Urethra Franklin]]* [[Urinary Tract Infection]]