

292 bytes added, 13:58, 26 March 2020
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In the United States, the NBA was suspended when its first player, Rudy Gobert, tested positive for coronavirus. As students or teachers tested positive for '''COVID-19''', schools closed, including New York City's public school system, which is the largest in the country. As patients and health care professionals tested positive for '''COVID-19''', hospitals followed suit and closed as well.<ref>[ U.S. Hospitals to Close After Patients Test Positive for COVID-19 (Gomerblog)]</ref> Social distancing was rapidly implemented (Spring Breakers in Florida were exempt), which disrupted orthopedic surgeons the most as they had to suspend bro hugs for 60 days and shelter-in-place at the hospital gym indefinitely.<ref>[ COVID-19 Update: Orthopods Suspend Bro Hugs for 60 Days (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Orthopaedic Surgeons Directed to Shelter in Hospital Gym Until COVID-19 Clears (Gomerblog)]</ref> Cases of PTSD spiked in the Anesthesia population on account of Sudoku supply deficits.<ref>[ COVID-19: Self-Quarantined Anesthesiologist Running Dangerous Low on Sudoku Supplies (Gomerblog)]</ref> Batman was infected, thus becoming the first case of human-to-Batman transmission.<ref>[ Breaking: Batman Diagnosed with COVID-19 (Gomerblog)]</ref> The situation got so dire that the [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention|CDC]] declared "we are effed" while aliens postponed their invasion of Earth due to concerns over '''COVID-19'''.<ref>[ COVID-19: CDC Says “We’re Totally Effed” in a Zombie Apocalypse (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Aliens Postpone Earth Invasion Due to Coronavirus Concerns (Gomerblog)]</ref>
Throughout March, '''COVID-19''' continued to spread at an alarming rate: the Mars rover, ''Curiosity'', tested positive for coronavirus, thus becoming the first case of interplanetary spread; Heaven & Hell tested positive, suggesting that we may still need to practice hand hygiene in the afterlife; and the lost city of Atlantis has tested positive. New York has become the epicenter for '''COVID-19''' in the United States, but one lucky resident of New York City has tested negative.<ref>[ BREAKING: New York City Resident Tests Negative for COVID-19 (Gomerblog)]</ref> Though she didn't test positive, the 134-year-old Statue of Liberty sheltered-in-place on Liberty Island given her age puts her at higher risk of complications if infected with '''COVID-19'''.<ref>[ COVID-19: Lady Liberty Shelters in Place on Liberty Island (Gomerblog)]</ref> Left with no other choice, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) placed all of New York City under one ventilator.<ref>[ CDC Decides to Put All of New York on a Ventilator (Gomerblog)]</ref> Reports suggest that coronavirus is capable of traveling back in time.<ref>[ WHO Warns Outbreaks In Victorian England Confirm Coronavirus Capable Of Spreading Through Time (The Onion)]</ref>
Palliative Care is currently having a family meeting with all 327 million Americans. It is believed consensus will be reached to make the United States [[DNR]].<ref>[ COVID-19 Update: Palliative Care Makes U.S. DNR (Gomerblog)]</ref> Until that happens, hospitals are scrambling to ensure health care professionals have an adequate supply of [[ICD-10]] codes.<ref>[ Supply of ICD-10 Codes for COVID-19 “Dangerously Low” (Gomerblog)]</ref>