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569 bytes added, 17:10, 22 March 2020
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* ''Match Day: March 20, 2020'' - Amidst social distancing, fourth-year medical students weren't able to congregate at their respective medical schools on this momentous day, instead moving their ceremonies and celebrations online. This did not dampen their spirits as they all were excited to learn that they had matched at their respective No. 1 '''COVID-19''' hotspot.<ref>[ Match Day! Med Students Find Out Where They’ll Be Ruling-Out COVID-19 on July 1st (Gomerblog)]</ref> Some students hope to inoculate themselves with novel coronavirus immediately after [[Match Day]] in the hopes it doesn't interrupt workflow starting on [[July Intern|July 1]]. Other students wish to hold out and get infected at their new residency program.
* ''Anxiety Among Healthcare Professionals'' - Anxiety runs high among healthcare professionals, not only because of the increased challenges at work due to '''COVID-19''' but the increased challenges outside of the work place. Gomerblog and its fans have created a '''COVID-19''' Doomsday playlist in the hopes of keep everyone from going completely insane as laughs and smiles are few and far between.<ref>[ Music Therapy: Gomerblog’s COVID-19 Doomsday Playlist (Gomerblog)]</ref>

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