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508 bytes added, 09:39, 28 March 2020
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* ''Anxiety among healthcare professionals'' - Anxiety runs high among healthcare professionals, not only because of the increased challenges at work due to '''COVID-19''' but the increased challenges outside of the work place. One example is health care professionals running out of not only masks but toilet paper, as they were too busy dealing with patients to go to grocery stores. Gomerblog and its fans have created a '''COVID-19''' Doomsday playlist in the hopes of keep everyone from going completely insane as laughs and smiles are few and far between.<ref>[ Music Therapy: Gomerblog’s COVID-19 Doomsday Playlist (Gomerblog)]</ref>
* ''People's Sexiest Man Alive: Dr. Anthony Fauci'' - Dr. Fauci's expertise, calm demeanor, and facts-only approach to the '''COVID-19''' pandemic has been much needed in the absence of otherwise ineffective government leadership. His recommendation to watch Bob Ross painting videos singlehandedly decreased the average American resting heart rate from 125 to 115. Due to his service since coronavirus reached the United States, the American public has finally granted him a much-deserved 15-minute nap.

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