
"Because no one will do them, I shall write all the discharge summaries!"

Ready to endure pain while showing courage.

Examples of Courage

  1. An attending physician facing clinic without a resident.[1]
  2. A search-and-rescue team searching for a man's lost penis under his fourth panniculus.[2]
  3. Any medical provider who writes a discharge summary promptly.
  4. Swimmers at the 2016 Rio Olympics who swam in the blood-filled pools.[3]
  5. A hospital administrator rushing to a dying patient's side to complete core measures.[4]


  1. Attending Physician Stranded in Clinic Without a Resident: A Tale of Survival (Gomerblog)
  2. Search-and-Rescue Spots Man’s Penis Under Fourth Panniculus (Gomerblog)
  3. Olympic Officials Apologize for Pools Filled with Blood (Gomerblog)
  4. Heroic Hospital Administrator Rushes To Dying Patient To Complete Core Measures (Gomerblog)

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