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Blame Anesthesia Algorithm

531 bytes added, 05:50, 4 March 2017
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- [[Super Bowl LI]]
'''More Algorithms & Infographics'''
- [[2015 ACLS Algorithm]]
- [[2015 ACLS Bacon Withdrawal Algorithm]]
- [[2015 Trauma Airway Algorithm]]
- [[2016 ACLS Hangry Algorithm]]
- [[2016 Code Constipation Algorithm]]
- [[2016 Revised A**hole Precautions]]
- [[2016 Revised Contact Precautions]]
- [[2016 Revised Fall Precautions]]
- [[An Internist’s Guide to Ophtho Abbreviations]]
- [[Radiology's Circle of Tests]]
- [[Stages of Change Model for Drug Seekers]]
- [[What Did You Find Under Your Patient's Pannus?]]
[[Category:Medical Algorithms & Infographics]]

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