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Superior Vena Cava

1 byte added, 15:44, 9 March 2017
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[[File:Anatomy, descriptive and surgical (1897) (14761799591).jpg|400px|thumb|leftright]]
The '''superior vena cava''' (or '''SVC''') is a large vein carrying deoxygenated blood into the heart from the upper body. It is higher in [[General Anesthesia|rank]] than the [[Inferior Vena Cava|SVC]] and it lets the [[IVC]] know it every chance it gets. The '''SVC''' definitely has a superiority complex and lets this higher [[General Diet|rank]] get to its head. Thankfully, it has to return that blood supply from the [[Intramedullary Nail|head]] to the [[American Heart Association|heart]].

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