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[[File:Pros & Cons of an Anesthesiologist.jpg|500px|thumb|leftright]]
For anesthesiology residents looking to further subspecialize, there are several '''anesthesiology fellowship''' programs available. For example, Duke University offers 12 one-year fellowships while University of North Carolina offers 1 twelve-year fellowship. Anyone who wishes to pursue research upon completion of a one-year fellowship is automatically labelled a [[Top Gunner|gunner]].<ref>[http://gomerblog.com/2015/10/physician-is-such-a-gunner/ Physician is Such a Gunner, Writes Two Notes on Same Patient in One Day]</ref><ref>[http://gomerblog.com/2013/08/med-student-gunners-ousted-from-lecture-hall-front-row/ Med Student Gunners Ousted from Lecture Hall Front Row]</ref>