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Please Call with Any Questions

1 byte added, 19:00, 3 July 2017
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[[File:Question mark.svg|400px|thumb|right|]]
'''"Please call with any questions"''' is a commonly used phrase when a consultant [[Sign Off|signs]] off a patient's case, and it typically is the last phrase used when signing off. A [[Primary|primary team]] makes the all-too-common mistake of thinking the consultant is being genuine when writing this statement. However, our Gomerpedia analysts have translated the phrase '''"Please call with any questions"''' and it actually stands for '''"I can't believe you called this bullsh*t consult. Don't ever contact us again about this patient or about any other patient ever again. You suck. A lot."'''<ref>[ Tips: How to Suck at Calling Consults]</ref>

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