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'''Methods of Classifications'''
'''Timing''' - Based on the temporal development, '''PE''' can be characterized as ''chronic '' ("F**k!"), ''subacute '' ("Holy sh*t!"), or ''acute '' ("M**THERF**KER!!).
'''Hemodynamics''' - '''PE''' can be further classified by the presence of hemodynamic stability and R right heart strain:
#''Low risk'' - PE is present ("Darn!"), hemodynamically stable ("Woohoo!"), no right heart strain ("Score!")
#''Intermediate risk'' - PE present ("Darn!"), hemodynamically stable ("Woohoo!"), right heart strain ("Dagnabbit!")
'''Location''' - Classification can also be based on location: ''saddle '' (embolus took place while riding a horse), ''lobar '' (not sure what that means), ''segmental '' (woah...), and ''subsegmental '' (them's fancy radiology words!)
'''Symptoms''' - Lastly, '''PE''' can be classified on whether the patient is ''symptomatic '' ("We know why you're short of breath") or ''asymptomatic '' ("When we scanned your big toe, we did manage to catch a PE in your chest...")
Two words: Virchow's triad. Need we saw say more?