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227 bytes added, 13:32, 16 July 2017
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[[File:Saliva secretion duct.png|500px|thumb|right]]
'''Salvation''' or [[Salivation|salivation]] is the secretion of saliva in anticipation of deliverance from evil, loss, or sin.<ref>[ Salivation Army Collects Record Number of Oral Secretions for Those in Need (Gomerblog)]<ref>
'''Related Reading'''
- * [[Christmas]]* [[God]]* [[Lent]]* [[Pontificate]]* [[Rectify]]* [[Seminary Vesicles]]* [[Tickle Me Jesus]]* [[Twelve Nights of Christmas]]
- [[Lent]]
'''References'''---- [[Seminary Vesicles]] - [[Tickle Me Jesus]]<references />
[[Category:Pastoral Care]]

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