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Laughter is the Best Medicine

302 bytes added, 14:24, 20 July 2017
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Especially if the [ pharmacy] is closed for the [[Shift Change|day]].
'''More HumorRecent Events'''
Laughter has been displaced from its number one spot and dropped down to the sixth best medicine.<ref>[ [[The Code of medicine/ Breaking: Ativan is the Woosters]Best Medicine, Laughter Falls to Sixth (Gomerblog)]</ref>
- [[The House of God]]
'''More Humor'''---- * [[The Code of the Woosters]]* [[The House of God]]* [[Medical Humor]]* [[That's why we make jokes]]* [[Voltaire's Candida]]
- [[That's why we make jokes]]
'''References'''- [[Voltaire's Candida]]---<references />
[[Category:Phrases & Expressions]]

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