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191 bytes added, 17:51, 28 November 2017
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[[File:Metoprolol structure.svg|450px|thumb|right]]
Pronounced me-TOH-prə-lȯl. Anyone that says me-toh-PROH-lōl will lose their [[License to Ill (Album)|license]] and be killed. That or nearly die trying to pronounce it.<ref>[ Patient Can’t Pronounce Metoprolol, Electively Intubated (Gomerblog)]</ref>
'''Related Reading'''
- * [[Baby Aspirin]]* [[Beta Block Party]]* [[Cardiac Catheterization]]* [[Dyspnea]]* [[LOL]]* [[Plavix (Clopidogrel)]]
- [[LOL]]
'''References'''- [<references / Patient Can’t Pronounce Metoprolol, Electively Intubated]>
[[Category:Internal Medicine]]

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