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'''Hypokalemia''' is a life-threatening condition when the potassium ranges between 3.0 and 3.5. In this critical window, it is of the utmost importance that health care providers drop everything and replete that potassium.<ref>[http://gomerblog.com/2016/07/replete-potassium/ Team to Replete the Hell Out of Patient’s Potassium]</ref>
A potassium < 3.5. But again, our focus here is potassiums of 3.0 to 3.5. Don't bother repeating that potassium; time is of the essence!
First line treatment for "mild" '''hypokalemia''' is calling a Code Blue and having the Code Team bring the special crash cart with bananas<ref>[http://gomerblog.com/2015/08/physician-banana-bags/ Physician Shocked to Learn Banana Bags Not Made with Real Fruit]</ref>and other fruits. Bolus patient orally aggressively but stopping short of aspiration or hilarity. Be sure to pat selves on back when done.
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