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Tibial Pursuit

6 bytes added, 11:18, 6 October 2016
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'''Tibial Pursuit''' is a [[Operation|board game]] where winning is determined by a patient's ability to answer questions on [[Game of Bones|bones]].<ref>[ Bones: An Orthopedic Surgeon’s Perspective]</ref><ref>[ Unattended Orthopedic Surgeon Left in Hot Van]</ref><ref>[ Orthopedic Surgeon Celebrates Transfusing Patient to 100% Hematocrit]</ref><ref>[ College of Orthopaedic Surgeons Proposes New Guidelines for Inpatient Consultation]</ref><ref>[ Orthopedic Surgeon Arrested for Using Duct Tape to Repair ACLs]</ref><ref>[ The Difference Between Arthropods & Orthopods]</ref><ref>[ Orthopaedics to Begin to Use Emojis in Progress Notes]</ref><ref>[ Ortho Writes Perfect SOAP Note, First No-Worder This Year]</ref>

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