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"Here, have a bite of this potassium feldspar"

Hypokalemia is a life-threatening condition when the potassium ranges between 3.0 and 3.5. In this critical window, it is of the utmost importance that health care providers drop everything and replete that potassium.[1]


A potassium < 3.5. But again, our focus here is potassiums of 3.0 to 3.5. Don't bother repeating that potassium; time is of the essence!


First line treatment for "mild" hypokalemia is calling a Code Blue and having the Code Team bring the special crash cart with bananas[2]and other fruits. Bolus patient orally and aggressively but stopping short of aspiration or hilarity. Be sure to pat selves on back when done.


  1. Team to Replete the Hell Out of Patient’s Potassium
  2. Physician Shocked to Learn Banana Bags Not Made with Real Fruit

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