American Academy of Ophthalmology

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Slogan: "If you can read our logo, you have 20/20 vision"

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (or AAO) is the world's largest professional organization of eye dentists that help deal with conditions like eye rakes and eye poke and can recommend treatments like eye PT. They're also really good at making eye candy and putting on glasses.[1]

Mission Statement

The mission of the American Academy of Ophthalmology is three-fold: (1) to add more H's to the word "ophthalmology",[2] (2) to shuffle the letters on the Snellen eye chart every once in a while,[3] (3) to resist any temptation to poke you in the eyes,[4] and, above all else, (4) destroy all optometrists.[5]

Fun Facts

  1. Did you know becoming an ophthalmologist is a great way to get over ommetaphobia?[6]
  2. Did you know an ophthalmologist once saw an inpatient consult? It's true![7]
  3. Did you know that getting hit in the eye with a stray dart is probably not a good thing? It's true![8]

Related Reading

Gomerblog References

  1. Jump up Ophthalmology Resident Consulted to Put Glasses On
  2. Jump up Ophthalmology Gives Up, Drops the First ‘H’ from Its Name
  3. Jump up Letter “T” to Take Top Spot on Snellen, “E” Demoted
  4. Jump up Physical Exam Tips: The Eye
  5. Jump up Thousands Dead in Battle Between Ophthalmologists and Optometrists
  6. Jump up Ophthalmology Resident Quits Due to Ommetaphobia
  7. Jump up Ophthalmologist Accidentally Agrees to See Inpatient Consult
  8. Jump up So You’ve Been Hit by a Stray Dart, What to Do Next

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