From Gomerpedia
Dr. Mix-a-Lot: I like big butts and I cannot lie.[7]
Additional Reading
- Rectify
- ↑ BMI Classification Replaces Word “Obesity” with “American” (Gomerblog)
- ↑ Obese Americans in Love with New 5K-to-Couch App (Gomerblog)
- ↑ New Product Release: Pediatric Power Chair for Morbidly Obese Children (Gomerblog)
- ↑ Amidst Obesity Epidemic, Task Force Creates Glasgow Food Coma Scale (Gomerblog)
- ↑ After Obesity is Classified as a Disease, Ralph Calls In Sick for the Fourth... (Gomerblog)
- ↑ Raising Obesity BMI Classification to 35 Would Cut Obesity Rates by 42% (Gomerblog)
- ↑ Toxicologist Bell Biv DeVoe Confirms: “That Girl is Poison” (Gomerblog)