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Periodic Table of Elements

99 bytes added, 17:53, 5 July 2017
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[[File:Periodic table large.png|700px|thumb|right]]
Really the one question health care professionals should ask themselves when they see the '''Periodic Table of Elements''' is, does the potassium in this chart need repletion?<ref>[ Team to Replete the Hell Out of Patient’s Potassium(Gomerblog)]</ref> Short of this, file the '''Periodic Table of Elements''' under the same category as the [[Brachial Plexus]], [[Krebs Cycle]], and [[Michaelis-Menten Equation]]: useless. No one in health care uses this! Unless you're [[Karen Weaselsnout-Jones]], in which case you probably memorized this.<ref>[ Med Student Knows Krebs Cycle, Whoop-De-Doo(Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Med Student Wastes Dying Patient’s Last Moments on Earth Talking About Damn Krebs Cycle(Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Med Student Draws Brachial Plexus, Big Whoop(Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Trump Offers Med Students Golden Opportunity as Seat-Fillers for Inauguration(Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Med Student Explains Krebs Cycle Using Only the Word “Dolor”(Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ Med Student Yammering About Oxidative Phosphorylation, Kill Us Now(Gomerblog)]</ref> ([[Top Gunner|Gunner]].)

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