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367 bytes added, 12:49, 6 July 2017
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[[File:Coffee machine.svg|200px|thumb|right]]
'''Coffee''' and its infinite variations is a magical elixir 99.9% of health care providers drink to keep [[AAOx3|awake]] through the reality that is our careers.<ref>[ The Joint Commission Now Encourages Coffee At Nursing Stations, Mortality Rates Plummet (Gomerblog)]</ref> It is a rare source of [[Hope|hope]] and happiness in the clinical setting, even if it tastes like sin or looks like melena. What matters is that '''coffee''' does the job and feels like it's made from unicorn smiles and angels' wings.<ref>[ Crisis Brewing as Unit 61’s Coffee Machine Broken (Gomerblog)]</ref> Fear the provider who hasn't had his or her cup of [[AAOx0|morning joe]]. However, note to any incoming health care professionals, like graduating nurses or medical students: never, ever order decaffeinated '''coffee''', because, well, without the [[Caffeine|caffeine]], what's the point?<ref>[ Rookie Mistake: July Intern Grabs Cup of Decaf Coffee, Defeats the Purpose Entirely (Gomerblog)]</ref>

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