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Femur Fairy

111 bytes added, 14:07, 9 July 2017
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A relation of the [[Tooth Fairy|tooth fairy]], the '''femur fairy''' take peoples' [[Femur|femurs]], which are kept under the pillow for safekeeping, and leave them a hefty sum of cash in return.<ref>[ Tooth Fairy Refusing to Take Teeth from a Teratoma (Gomerblog)]</ref> '''Femur fairies''' tend to be more muscular than tooth fairies given the extra heft and size of [[Femur|femurs]]. It is unclear what the '''femur fairies''' do with this amassed collection of long bones, but if they're anything like anesthesiologists they're making forts out of them.<ref>[ Anesthesia Completes Construction of Epic OR Drape Fort (Gomerblog)]</ref>
'''Did You Know'''
Did you know Stryker makes Mini-[[Stryker Surgical Snacks]] for '''femur fairies'''?

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