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Cardiac Catheterization

44 bytes added, 13:49, 16 July 2017
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Indications for cardiac catheterization include but are not limited to the following:
#[[Chest Pain|Chest pain]]
#Cough<ref>[ Study: The Most Effective Cough Suppressant is an Endotracheal Tube (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[ As Nurse Leans In for a Listen, Patient Can Think of No Better Time to Start Coughing Violently (Gomerblog)]</ref>
#Dysuria<ref>[ Study: People Named Willie, Dick & Johnson at Higher Risk for UTIs (Gomerblog)]</ref>
#Eye pain
'''Other Cardiac Tests'Issues''
- * [[1-Lead ECG]] - * [[230-Lead ECG]] - * [[Amazon Echo]] - * [[Amazon Stress Test]] - * [[Baby Aspirin]]* [[Heart-to-Heart]]- * [[Supply-Demand Mismatch]]

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