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2 bytes added, 13:06, 20 March 2020
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According to the [[World Health Organization]], [[Centers for Disease Control and Prevention]], and our friend Tim, there are currently more than 35 billion confirmed cases of '''COVID-19'''. This speaks to the huge burden of disease on human beings considering the Earth's population is less than 8 billion.
The first reports were first reported in first reports by the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on December 2019 in the city of Wuhan, China. The first document documented U.S. case occurred in a 35-year-old patient from Washington State, who returned from Wuhan on January 20, 2020. For Americans, this is when sh*t started to get real.
In a matter of months, '''COVID-19''' had spread to all continents except Antarctica, suggesting that Antarctica somehow has some partial immunity. The [[World Health Organization]] declared that '''COVID-19''' was officially a pandemic, thus becoming the last major medical society to realize this. With the exception of China, Taiwan, and South Korea, measures aimed at containment have largely failed. Bribery has failed. Most nations now are looking at strategies involving mitigation or masturbation, whichever one means "to reduce the severity or spread."

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