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* ''Supply of ventilators'' - It is very possible that the American trajectory of '''COVID-19''' will mimic Northern Italy's, leading to a shortage of hospital beds & ventilators. To bridge the gap, the American Medical Student Association will provide medical students who will bag patients until ventilators become available.
* ''COVID-19's Effect on the Global Economy'' - '''COVID-19''' has arrested economic activity, causing markets to crash worldwide. The United States has been trying to combat recession with stimulus packages aimed at providing Americans with more toilet paper and [[Xanax (Alprazolam)|Xanax (alprazolam)]].<ref>[https://gomerblog.com/2020/03/covid-19-house-relief-package-toilet-paper/ COVID-19: House Relief Package to Provide Billions & Billions of Dollars of Toilet Paper (Gomerblog)]</ref><ref>[https://gomerblog.com/2020/03/covid-19-congress-to-send-1000-pills-of-xanax-to-every-american/ COVID-19: Congress to Send 1,000 Pills of Xanax to Every American (Gomerblog)]</ref> It speaks volume that all of the blame thus far has been directed at '''COVID-19''', not [[Blame Anesthesia Algorithm|Anesthesia]], suggesting that the apocalypse has in fact arrived.
* ''Match Day 2020'' - Fourth-year medical students weren't able to congregate, instead moving their celebrations online. This did not dampen their spirits as they all were excited to learn that they had matched at their respective No. 1 '''COVID-19''' hotspot.<ref>[https://gomerblog.com/2020/03/match-day-covid-19-july-1st/ Match Day! Med Students Find Out Where They’ll Be Ruling-Out COVID-19 on July 1st (Gomerblog)]</ref> Some students hope to inoculate themselves with novel coronavirus immediately after [[Match Day]] in the hopes it doesn't interrupt workflow starting on [[July Intern|July 1]]. Other students are eager to get infected at their new residency program.