Does my nurse have a name or do I just call him or her "nurse"?

Revision as of 05:00, 12 July 2017 by Dr. 99 (talk | contribs)$7

Gabriel Nicolet's "The Good Samaritan" (1915)

You are correct, nurses do not have names. Nurse will do just fine. Just don't enter the nurses station and you'll be fine.[1][2][3]

Additional Reading

- Call Light

- Death

- Hospicillin

- Nursing Home

- The Q Word

- Rainbow Draw

- Sandwich Note
  1. Doctor Trespasses into Nurses Station, Shot on Sight (Gomeblog)
  2. Beverage Container Left Open at Nurses Station, Three Dead as a Result (Gomerblog)
  3. Resident Tempts Fate, Sits Down at Nursing Computer (Gomerblog)

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