Master of Puppets (Album)

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Master of Puppets Album Cover.jpg

Metallica's 1986 heavy metal masterpiece Master of Puppets was inspired by anesthesiologists and "kick-ass" puppet shows they give from behind the drape. Current anesthesiology puppet master Thomas Kingston admits that he is a huge fan of Master of Puppets and often uses it as the soundtrack to his epic shows.[1][2]

Track Listing

  1. Battery (5:13)
  2. Master of Puppets (8:35)
  3. The Thing That Should Not Be (6:36)
  4. Welcome (Sanitarium) (6:27)
  5. Disposable Heroes (8:17)
  6. Leper Messiah (5:40)
  7. Orion (8:27)
  8. Damage, Inc. (5:31)

Additional Reading

- A List of Things We Can Comfortably Blame Anesthesia For

- Bill Cosby

- Blame Anesthesia

- Citizen Lidocaine

- The Drapes of Wrath

- Jimmy Page

- Heavy Metal

- Lawrence of Anesthesia

- Pre-Op Clinic

- Sub-Zero Operating Room

- Super Bowl LI

- Temper Tantrum

- Treaty of Drapes

- Who should I blame this on?


  1. Jump up Anesthesiologist Puts Up Drape, Puppet Show for Surgeons (Gomerblog)
  2. Jump up Why Do Anesthesiologists Really Put Up That Drape in the OR? (Gomerblog)

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