At Folsom Hospital (Album)


At Folsom Hospital is the album that revived Johnny Cash's career. No live hospital album will ever top this. And reason for that is the amazing fact that not a single pager, call light, or tele monitor made a peep.

Track Listing

  1. Folsom Prison Blues (2:42)
  2. Busted (1:24)
  3. Dark as the Dungeon (3:04)
  4. I Still Miss Someone (1:37)
  5. Cocaine Blues (3:01)
  6. 25 Minutes to Go (3:31)
  7. Orange Blossom Special (3:00)
  8. The Long Black Fleece (3:57)
  9. Send a Picture of Mother (2:10)
  10. The Wall (1:36)
  11. Dirty Old Egg Sucking Dog (1:30)
  12. Flushed from the Bathroom of Your Heart (2:17)
  13. John Doe (2:25)
  14. Jackson (3:12)
  15. Give My Love to Rose Room (2:40)
  16. I Got Shingles (1:57)
  17. The Legend of John Henry's Reflex Hammer (7:08)
  18. Green, Grass of Weed (2:29)
  19. Greystone Chapel (6:02)


Dr. 99: I love that part of "Folsom Hospital Blues" when Cash sings about giving a man Dilaudid just to make him shut up, and the patients cheer.

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