Black Friday

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Black Friday by Powhusku.jpg

The first Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States, Black Friday officially marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season and the end of American shoppers' self-respect. Though Black Friday has been recognized since 1932, hospitals only started participating in the game in 2015, using the opportunity through advertising or coupons to get rid of any excess inventory, whether it's hospital beds, turkey sandwiches, PEG tubes, or any other procedures.[1][2] Though a boon to the economy, trauma surgeons begrudgingly acknowledge the existence of the day due to the expected spike in SSTs or shopping-spree traumas. In fact, if they had it their way, they would rename it Black & Blue Friday.

Additional Holidays

- Christmas

- Lent

- National Bone Day

- National Toss Your Pager in the Trash Day


  1. Jump up Hospitals Now Joining Black Friday Frenzy
  2. Jump up Hospital Coupons for Upcoming Black Friday Sale

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