Hospital Sounds (Album)

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Don't you love it when I make a sound?

Hospital Sounds: The Sounds of the Hospital held the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot 100 List for over 20 weeks, filling a void that music lovers had been craving.[1] It is widely regarded as one of the all-time great compilations of hospital sounds in the history of music. Then again it is the only compilation of hospital sounds in the history of music. The standout track on this album is the stunning closer, clocking in just over 54 minutes in length, is called "Typing." It is eye-opening, beautiful, terrible, and makes you want to shoot yourself. It's a masterpiece.


Dr. 99: A compelling listen, one that makes you want to go home, turn on your pager and press the call light. More memorable than Hamilton.

Track Listing

  1. Beeping (15:03)
  2. Patient Transferring from Bed to Chair (3:45)
  3. Colonoscopy Post-Op (31:21)
  4. Eating Noises (Soft Diet) (11:34)
  5. Hand Washing (0:46)
  6. Man Asking for Directions to Cafeteria (1:12)
  7. Pyxis Doors Unlocking (5:51)
  8. Radiologist Leaning Back in Plush Leather Chair and Sighing (0:09)
  9. Parking Garage Echoes (7:01)
  10. Silence (8:28)
  11. Angry Surgeon Asking for Instruments (10:19)
  12. Health Care Providers Muttering Under Their Breath (21:52)
  13. Resident Burning Out (4:15)
  14. Typing (54:19)

Additional Reading

- Call Light

- Da Vinci

- Pager

- Patient-Controlled Call Light

- Seven Blunders of the Medical World


  1. Jump up “Hospital Sounds” Debuts at #1 on Billboard Music Charts (Gomerblog)

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